DocSociety Climate Story Fund Impact Lab
Over the last 17 years, Doc Society has developed deep expertise in guiding independent storytellers through their production and impact campaigns journeys, regranting funding to storytellers across the globe, building regional networks of storytellers and changemakers, and advancing the field through developing and sharing of tools and resources. The Climate Story Unit brings this expertise together as a narrative shift effort to address the climate emergency.
The Climate Story Unit is a narrative shift effort supporting transformative storytelling to advance a climate just and biodiverse future. The Unit comprises a series of complementary initiatives working together, including The Climate Story Fund, The Climate Story Labs, and the Climate Story Kitchen.
The Impact Lab will be delivered on Zoom over five sessions, scheduled over one week. Designed to give us a chance to get to know one another better, to share ideas and case studies to inspire – as well as brainstorm together around each of the selected projects to explore and extend our ideas around impact and distribution.