Climate Change and Development
Climate change is a relatively “young” international issue with significant social, economic and political ramifications. Although there is a wealth of policy-relevant research in the environment community, examination of climate and developmental concerns is in its early days. Evidence of significant consequences for all (sea level rise, changes in agricultural yields, forest cover and water resources; increases of extreme weather events), impacts especially the most vulnerable, and jeopardises achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. Climate policies will have to be “development-led” if they are to have any chance of achieving the political support necessary for implementation. The scientific and local evidence of climate change consistent impacts is now overwhelming. The calculus of monetised costs has shifted from centre stage in climate policy as human impacts – loss of life and livelihoods, local migration and the prospect of social unrest – begin to enter policy-making radars. This Bulletin aims to generate awareness and catalyse discussion. It is intended to provide development and climate practitioners with an opportunity for mutual learning and to explore connections, conflicts, and to think “out of the box”. Researchers suggest that “top down” climate negotiations should be accompanied by a range of actions – formal and informal, to engage a broader constituency of policy-makers and publics in future climate policy – bringing together climate and development communities. Multi-disciplinary research will advance specific mainstreaming challenges facing the climate regime, and contribute to the broader challenge of rethinking development.